Up to 80 percent of people with coronovirus have mild symptoms; others who later test positive for the antigen and/or antibody may have had no symptoms.
And very likely, those who have had coronovirus and have survived have developed some degree of immunity memory to recurrent infection.
Is one of the primary differentiating factors between – an overwhelming life and death immune response and a state of desired mild symptomatology or asymptomatology with possible conferred immunity – the initial amount(s) (viral loads) of innoculum and the surface area volume of its delivery?
Kindly review the scientific article below.
It makes (common) sense to reduce the initial viral load and the surface area of any potential droplets on the skin with soap and water and further to reduce the viral load from any possible aeroslized viral micro particles by use of mask – medical grade fiber or cortton if not available – either with blockage by a medical grade mask, or by partial absorbtion or attachment to the cotton filaments of a cloth fiber based mask.
Wearing a mask, soaping one hands for twenty seconds and perhaps a short nasal soapy rinse after outside activity makes (common) sense.
Possibly washing the mask with soap and water allows for repeated safe use of the mask.
And does the corona virus in very small inoculum amounts in small volumes and under very controlled and known conditions represent a strategy to gently activate the immune system without triggering an overwhelming immune response which might be caused by a large(er) innoculum, conferring immunity without great risks?
The Asset Debt Macroeconomic System’s Great daily decay fractal series started on about 15 January 2020 and is a
12/31/31 day decay fractal series: y/2.5y/2.5y. With the stress evidenced in the US repo market starting in September 2019, this January 2020 decline was the expected 89 year corporate, federal, state, financial and global system debt implosion at the conclusion of a maximum valuation growth evolution of a US 1807 36/90/89 year : x/2.5x/2.5x Hegemonic Asset Debt macroeconomic valuation cycle. With the concurrent pandemic, asset valuations dependent on massive defaults of debt will collapse at a minimum of 90 percent with the collapse possibly completed, as opposed to the 1929 great US Second Fractal collapse with its 11/26-27/26-27 day primary decay fractal series, during the 2020 primary 12/31/31 day decay fractal series.
This profound devaluation will correlate and be post hoc propter hoc ascribed to the very real 30-35 percent unemployment rate caused by the pandemic.
The final interpolated and integrated weekly decay fractal series from the December 2018 low is 10/25/23/15-16 weeks: x/2.5x/2x-2.5x/1.5=1.6x. A nonlinear drop between 2x and 2.5x of the second 25 week fractal as described in the main page of this blog is observable.
As a note regarding the 1858 date and 140 year cycle in the main page. This was errant. 1858 represented an interpolated fractal low valuation contained in the 1843 to 1932 90 year US Great Second Fractal. The US fractal series from the activation of its constitution in about 1790 was:
Intiating US Great Fractal: 1790-1807 18 years (1/2x)
First US Great Fractal: 1807 to 1842-43 36 years (x) ( with peak asset valuation and debt collapse in 1837)
Second US Great Fractal: 1843 to 1932 90 years (2.5x) (with peak valuation in 1929 with well known and described associated debt collapse)
Third US Great Fractal: 1932 to 2020 89 years ( with 5.1 trillion dollars provided terminally to an overvalued market by corporate buy backs, corporate tax cuts, and low interest margin debt.)