The 2020 Great Nonlinear Devaluation Fractal Series

At the base of the economic pyramid, consumer saturation ownership of daily used commodities facilitated by easy credit and citizen high personal debt; asset overvaluation of major purchase items facilitated with 1930’s era low interest rates;  historically high corporate debt load with non value added and formerly illegal buy back purchases  of  corporate stock which have been  further  facilitated by  corporate  tax cuts unlinked to product  creation and innovation; financial derivative products exponentializing risks in a nonlinear down market; and unfunded pensions represent  the basis of  a debt dependent crash of historical proportions.  This inevitable and inexorable crash was expected   in 2020 and completed an 1807 US hegemonic Great Saturation Fractal Series of x/2.5x/2.5x :: 36/90/90 years with nadirs in 1842-3 after the panic of 1837 and in 1932 after the crash in 1929.  With the exception of pensions and derivatives, the foundations for the debt dependent asset overvaluation and asset over ownership saturation  1837 and 1929  crashes were similar to the current one.  Now superimposed on that expected 2020 devaluation  is the  sudden unemployment of 20-25  percent of the global workforce secondary to the pandemic.

Starting in February 2020, the ongoing daily decay fractal series  is 10/24/19 of 24 days.  Even with the unlimited support of central banks expect a nonlinear fractal devaluation of 80 percent and more of the global market’s  current valuation.


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