The First Gold Base Fractal spanned from 1970 to 2001 and was 32 years in Length. It was composed of a 7/18/9 year Fractal Series. It saw a rise in gold denominated in US dollars from 36 to 850, a 2400 % gain – levitated by the Hunt brothers. It reached a primary low in July 1999 at 252.80 and a secondary low in April 2001 at 256. The Grand Second Fractal will find most of the current observers in a similar condition as before conception and will be 65-80 years in length, composed of two subfractal series. The base fractal of the first subfractal series is 50 months in length having an expected second fractal between 101 and 125 months in length. As of July 2015 123 months of the 125 months have passed with expected gapped lower low second fractal nonlinearity observable on weekly charts on month 123. HUI is used as proxy US Gold and gold mining stocks.