Saturation Macroeconomics: The US Hegemonic 1807 212 year Third Fractal collapse: 36/90/88 years :: Dec 2018 32/79/77 days … Bitcoin leads the way: a Deterministic Global Asset Valuation Collapse
The secondary SPX composite equity peak valuation for the global system was on 19 September 2019. 26 July 2019 represented the nominal peak for the SPX US equities composite.
The coming 8 week nonlinear devaluation is deterministic, unrelated to political events, and is an inherent expected part of the natural decay process of the macroeconomic system.
This deterministic asset debt macroeconomic system is self organizing in its growth, peak asset and debt valuations, and in its fractal time dependent asset and debt Gompertz’s like valuation fractal decays.
Qualitatively growth phases are self reinforcing and additive and promote employment which generate more debt based asset growth related to its nature in generating more base borrowing
… until a saturation peak of debt load, employment, asset valuation and asset ownership is reached for the population constituting the base of the macroeconomic system pyramid.Thereafter,
natural devolution of asset over valuation, over ownership, and bad debt liquidation occur … associated with rapid increases in unemployment and further deleveraging.
This blog observes the macroeconomic system as having elegantly simple self assembly and deterministic underlying growth and decay fractal mathematical patterns.
The general growth (x) and decay pattern (y) occurs in a x/2-2.5x/2-2.5x/1.5y four phase fractal pattern and the subset decay pattern occurs in a y’/2-2.5y’/2-2.5y ‘ time pattern.
For the United States with an initiating base of 18 years starting in 1790, the 1807 x/2.5x/2.5x saturation growth pattern is 36/90/88-90 years (212 years) with 1932
observed as the end of the second US equity equivalent fractal period. The global macroeconomic system is in its 88th year of a 88-90 year third fractal cycle, defined by its current hegemonic
leading country. The 4th phase 1.5y time period decay fractal for the US to complete this cycle is 54 years.
Commodities, Metals, Bitcoin, and Global Composite Equities are at a time dependent edge of an intermediate and significant nonlinear devaluation. With current debt load of both sovereigns and base populations,
all entities (except US sovereign debt futures)have reached their peak valuations for the third 88-90 year fractal cycle. All asset and debt valuations are based on the summation denominator of the total worth of those assets and debts.
Bitcoin as the most useful of commodities is leading the current intermediate valuation collapse.
The Dog and its Tail.
The Dog is deterministic and mathematically elegantly simple Asset Debt Saturation Macroeconomics. The Dog’s geopolitical tail reacts to peak asset valuation devolution, exponential debt default, and the vanishing of peak asset valuation dependent predominant service jobs and manufacturing jobs. The dog then vigorously wags its tail. The last similar vigorous wagging in the context of the current grand US Hegemonic 212 year macroeconomic fractal cycle happened during the period from 1929 to 1945. Expect the expected unexpected.