The United States … and Now Global …1807 36-37/90/87 of 89-90/54 year :: x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x Hegemonic Asset-Debt Fractal Macroeconomic System: the 10 May 2010 Flash Crash Revisited…


A March 2009   5/12 month (18/44 weeks) nonlinear flash crash occurred on 10 May 2010.  This was an expected subfractal series second fractal nonlinearity  within the new simple fractal  progression construct that appears, in a scientific patterned manner,  to be governing mathematical model for the global asset debt macroeconomic system.  Using the Wilshire 5000 as the global system’s hegemonic proxy, the system is now at a 10/25 month  :: x/ 2.5x subfractal juncture in a x/2.5x/2x-2.5x or 10/25/20-25 month blow-off that will take the system to its peak 2020 valuation apogee.  Nvdia, the proxy for new 21st century human entertainment and human replacement technology  saw nonlinearity on 16 November 2018. As with the flash crash on 10 May 2010 expect more nonlinearity over the next 7 trading days … prior to the 20-25 month global equity blow-off. While US consumers are at record debt levels, they are also at near record absolute employment numbers with relatively low interest rates and generous debt terms to further expand, with further debt load expansion, the US and global economy during  the next 20-25 months.

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