The Week of MARCH 27 2013: GOOGLE, GOLD, and THE NIKKEI AT MAXIMUM LAMMERT QUANTUM FRACTAL GROWTH: The Financial Industry’s Obfuscation Ruse: ‘AMERICA’S ENEMY WITHIN: THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS’ … Wall Street’s and Goldman Sachs’s long standing counter-party Continuing Resolution: Sequester Every Penny of Small Investors’ 401K’s

For the week of the Real Sequestration 27 March 2013

Gold is at 27/67/54 months :: x/2.5x/2x
Google is at 16/40/40 weeks x/2.5x/2.5x
The Nikkei is at 39/98/78 weeks :: x/2.5x/2.5x
Ford is at 20/50(4)/(4)50 months :: x/2.5x/2.5x
The SPX is at 15/37/32 years :: x/2.5x/2x+

The Asset-Debt Countervailing Hegemonic US US Ten Year Note and 30 Year Bond Futures are at 13/32/25 of a 32 month blow-off :: x/2.5x/2x- of 2.5x

The US dollar is beginning the steep part of its second fractal growth opposite gold, opposite commodities, and equities, and opposite the Euro.

This is how the asset-debt system works: complete depletion of the buying population driven into speculation by tax laws and the competing necessary low interest rates created by the real estate bubble collapse, the collapse of real economy demand, a collapse of the real estate citizen buyer pool, and a collapse of the numbers of the working population,

Before the last last three month blow-off in equities, mutual fund cash levels were already at historical low percentage levels 3.3%  in December 2012.

Less than 5 years ago a 750 billion dollar bailout was agreed upon within a few weeks at the urging of the many Goldman Sachs’ representatives placed within the former administration’s treasurer and economic high counselors. Numbers amounting to over 10 trillion dollars in other guarantees were provided for the industry.

Since the Financial Industry bail-out, the country has gotten righteous about government debt. At this point the two parties will consider it a great victory if they can agree upon a continuing resolution for the next 6 months which includes an 85 billion sequestration concentrated over a few months inflicting maximum damage on America’s military and promoting poor morale, financial hardship for paycheck to paycheck livers, dissension with an increase in the possibility of espionage within the ranks.

Has the US Congress become America’s greatest enemy? Imagine a stock market collapse after the continuing resolution containing the sequestration is passed.

Who will the post hoc ergo propter hoc common citizens blame for the collapse?

Was Goldman Sachs involved in the concept of sequestration?
Did Goldman Sachs support the Tea Party initiative?
Did Goldman Sachs support the Democratic Leadership’s reelection?

After the collapse, follow the money and check the accounts of the same small group of people who made 144 billion dollars in bonuses the year after the 2008 collapse.

The amount of congressional authorized money used to support and back up the Financial Industry in 2008 would cover over 120 years of 85 billion dollar a year sequestrations.

Congress: Republicans and Democrats … has been set up by the Financial Industry … as the Fall Guy …



And the  Wall Street Economy disconnected from the real economy … and the small speculators with their life savings and  now 401K’s …   devastated …

GOOGLE is currently 16/40/38 of 40 weeks. It has two more weeks to reach its final x/2.5x/2.5x maximum saturated growth.

The self-assembly Asset-Debt Macroeconomic System is evolving to a natural quantum transition point. Iconic GOOGLE represents the macroeconomic system’s  most powerful transformational asset: the global sharing of information. There is a large population pool of interested investors in GOOGLE ‘derivative’ stock asset.

Google’s asset valuation evolution curve represents a significant microcosm of the entire asset-debt system.

What happens in the asset-debt system when the rules are so adjusted that it becomes more profitable to trade asset derivatives than to provide real services and innovate new  useful products?

System activity migrates to money changing and leverage activities.  Asset bubbles become the dependent variable of the independent variables of  money changing and financial industry leverage.

Asset-debt ‘Utility’ is then caricatured, turned upside down,  and  becomes defined as the ability to quickly generate electronic money stocks. CEO’s of useful job creating industries, seeing the returns in the financial industry,  turn their attention away from real production. In their board they aspire to  emulate the financial industry’s gaming of the system.

The CEOs’ goals are transformed  to generate money wealth rather than societally useful wealth denominated in real products and jobs to support them.

Legislation by paid-for politicians under reelection every two years create a steady rain of rules to protect those gaming the system and encourage further gaming.

Ultimately bad system rules lead to bad results.

What are those reasonable and good rules that support a solid citizen based asset-debt system, denominate currency exclusively in valued added labor, socially useful innovations and services, and promote a cohesive stable and balanced system?


Lammert Fractals of Google: The Financial Houses’ Greatest Ever Sequester: The 12 March 2013 Nikkei Final Peak: The 2013 Crash: How The Quadrillion Asset Debt System Works:

…. and the Wall Street Financial Industry ‘economy’ disconnected from the real economy…   …...worst hit were the small investors who lost ….

That was in 1929, at the height of the first  75 year sub fractal growth series for the US 1858 156 year second fractal.  The second subfractal growth series started in 1932 and has proceeded in a 15/37/32 year :: x/2.5x/2x+ Lammert Quantum Growth Series fashion.

At the end of this US 156 year second  growth fractal lies a 1987 type of second fractal valuation nonlinear collapse for global equities, non US dollar currencies, commodities, gold and  silver – with the Asset-Debt Global Macroeconomic System’s Countervailing Quality Asset: US Debt – on the receiving end of surviving asset money equivalent influx, with US interest rates evolving to historical  230 year lows.

Is the Asset Debt System at its transition point where the  speculative asset valuation has reached its self assembly natural quantum time peak – correlating to the exact time frame when the  population of speculators has been exhausted?

Likely so.

The 8 March 2013  natural timing conclusion of the countervailing US hegemonic Ten Year Note Debt Futures of 4/9/8/6 months :: x/2-2.5x/2x/1.5x and 15/37/29/22 weeks :: x/2.5x/2x/1.5x  and 5/13/13 days :: x/2.5x/2.5x matches the exact timing of a 15/31/31 day blow off for the oppositional speculative Nikkei and the oppositional 13/33/33 day :: x/2.5x/2.5x and 20/49(6)/(6)49 month x/2.5x/2.5x DAX.

The Swiss Franc  has also concurrently reached a 17/37/34 month critical time frame with its expected collapse devaluation against the hegemonic US dollar.

Examine the NiKKEI, DAX, and countervailing  US TEN YEAR FUTURES long term and short term interlocking oppositional time based asset valuation evolutions.  It’s time.



As of 12 March a double bottom (first fractal base) for the Asset-Debt system’s countervailing system:  US Ten Year Futures self assembly evolved heralding a blow-off in Hegemonic US Ten Year Note Futures.

 12 March Update: 12 March 2013 was the Finale for the Nikkei. 12 March  was a key reversal day gapping to a new high and ending on the low of the day for an average finale of 13/33/33 days .. exactly as the DAX….

12 March update: For the DAX the last two days were shared and the final sequence was 13/33/33 days just as the Nikkei finale….

Observe the 2013 quantitative time based patterns above and the qualitative similarities of the real economy to the Wall Street Financial Industry speculative bubble – similar to the peak time of the 1858 US second fractal equity progenitor first subfractal peak growth in 1929 as the documentary describes.

This is a (worse) replay of 1929, save for the understanding of the current Chairman of Federal Reserve, who has enormous power to promote beneficence in the real economy.

On the other hand, The Financial Industry recognizes what is happening. They are 50:1 sellers to the frenzied small speculator buyers.  With US Second Fractal 155 year nonlinearity this will represent the greatest transfer of delta wealth delta time in recorded history.

Money ultimately denominated in citizen labor and services in the real economy will be transferred to the electronic accounts of whom are  best described as the moneychangers money mongrels.

These mongrels provide worse than  no real use to the real citizens’ economy: they manipulate the money system and skim wealth exactly equivalent to that denominated in real goods and real services in the real economy via derivative and stock and commodity trading and money manipulation without productive labor from the money-debt system.

They leverage their bets via advantaged laws and financial schemes created by their control of the political system. These bets created the most damaging bubble that involved the primary wealth asset of the individual citizen, the private residence, destroying the basis of the citizen’s  forward based economy chief foundationalsaving’s vehicle.

They now  influence and force citizens thru established tax laws and control of communications  hawking their derivatives, putting the small speculator on the opposite side of their short sell, and directly  stealing money from  citizens during known times of market saturation and nonlinear asset valuation collapse.

This is the time of the GLOBAL FINANCIAL INDUSTRY’s GREATEST EVER  SEQUESTER of the Asset-Debt Macroeconomic System’s electronic wealth.

For the masses of American citizens, even before residential ownership,  the transportation to work vehicle represents the major necessary purchase item for the working citizen.

As Ford Goes ………..       So Goes ……….    The foundation for the Global Consumer-Citizen Labor-Based Asset-Debt Macroeconomic system…                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Vehicle company equity valuation time-based saturation curves represent the qualitative bell weather indicator for the consuming  health of the US working citizen population, proxy for the working citizens of the world.

These US citizens’ 13.5 trillion dollars of services and labor both form the basis for the worth of the US dollar and provide the principle collateral for the forward consumption related debt in the larger one quadrillion dollar equivalent.Asset-Debt Macroeconomic System.

The 2003-2013 elegant Lammert 3 phase maximum growth: x/2.5x/2.5x ::20/50/50 months are shown below for Ford.The last 50 month third fractal starting in 2009 is composed of two subfractal series: a perfect 5/13/10/8 month :: x/2.5x/2x/1.6x Lammert fractal series and a more complex 13/33/33 week fractal series :: x/2.5x/2.5x starting in the last week of September 2011.

The last 33 weeks is composed of a 6+/16/13 week :: x/2.5x/2x growth series… Terminal Ford  valuation growth is timed as is the Nikkei blow-off and DAX blow-off with the 8 March 2013 5/13/13 day and 4/9/8/6 month final low valuation (high interest rates) of the Hegemonic US Ten Year Note, the Asset-Debt  System’s countervailing quality asset.

All other nondollar and non US debt assets will crash in value during system wide debt default and asset overvaluation collapse just as occurred in the US 1858 second fractal’s first 75 year subfractal  series peaking in 1929….

As Ford Goes, so Goes the US and Global working citizen’s working opportunities as the Asset-Debt Macoeconomic System’s real demand for citizen labor and services plummet.

12 March update: Ford had growth on 11 and 12 March  with a final lower high of 13/33/33 weeks (unshared).



GOOGLE is a revolutionary information sharing system. With the power of connecting billions of organic computer to the information of the internet and the sharing of ideas, advancement of the understanding of the space energy self assembly Universe will advance in exponential fashion.

There is an interested population of speculators in the trading derivative of GOOGLE.

As such GOOGLE is a microcosm of the greater quadrillion Asset-Debt macroeconomic system and follows the Asset-Debt System’s natural laws of time dependent quantum valuation fractal Growth and Decay as illuminated in the the simple laws on the MainPage of this Website.

Google’s Growth is at its maximum quantum time evolution. The terrible crash is in the anteroom.

Untrue in the documentary commentary above is that stock market crashes do not matter to the real economy. The destruction of money equivalents in the stock results rapidly in a lost of total asset-debt system worth. A cascading effect of lower asset valuations ensue  with default and  liquidation of bad debt now collateralized with lower and lower  asset valuations.  The deterministic asset-debt system deteriorates in value to a lower asymptotic level at which point new debt, new demand and new citizen based economic growth can then occur.