The 31 October to 10 to 13 December 2024 ACWI X/2.5X/2.5X :: 5/13/13 day 3-Phase Crash Fractal Series or 4-Phase X/2.5x/2x/1.5x :: 5/13/10/7 day Crash Fractal Series

The 5 August ACWI’s first fractal has a length of 24 to 27 days, composed of respectively 5/10/11 day :: x/2-2.5x/2x and 6/13/10 day :: x/2-2.5x/1.6x 3-phase fractal series. The Nikkei favors the later series with a first fractal of 27 days with the European stock composites having 25 and 28 day first fractals. (The US holiday Labor day not celebrated).

Mathematically integrating and sharing 4 days between the 23 day and 27 day first fractals results in a 27/68 day :: x/2.5x ACWI first and second fractal series.

An ACWI 11 Sept 6/12/12/10 day ::x/2x/2x/1.6x 4- phase fractal series ending on 31 October would be followed by a 5/13/13 day crash 3-phase fractal decay series ending 10 December 2024. (below)

Alternatively a 31 October 5/13/10/7 4 phase series would exactly complete a 5 August 27/68 day :: x/2.5x first and second fractal series (without the sharing of the 4 days) and end on Friday 13 December 2024. (below). This is the more likely of the two 31 October 2024 crash fractal pathways.

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