The Sensex, the Shanghai Composite, the Nikkei, the US SPX, the European STOXX 600, the FTSE 350, and the global Composite ACWI ETF all have daily fractal patterns ending in a synchronized great global equity (and commodity and crypto) crash on 12 November 2024.
Looking at the FTSE, the crash low appears to be on Friday 8 November completing a 20/50 day :: x/2.5x fractal series.
However, the FTSE had a trading holiday on 26 August 2024. For the European composite market, the STOXX 600, the first fractal is 21 days in length (x) with an expected second fractal of 2.5x or a 52 days with the crash low ending on Tuesday 12 November 2024. For the STOXX 600 (see below) note the nonlinear break between day 42 2x and day 43, the 2x-2.5x second fractal window. The final decay series starts on 18 Oct at the peak of a 2/5/4 day growth fractal series better seen on the FTSE 350 chart above and follows a 3/8/6/4 day progression :: x/2.5x/2x/1.5x.
This a STOXX chart from Thursday 7 November at the early-mid trading day.
India’s BSE had an average high valuation peak on 27 September 2024 and is following a 6/15/9 of 12 day :: y/2.5y/2y 3 phase Lammert decay fractal series ending in a crash nadir on 12 November 2024.
The Hang Seng Index and Shanghai Composite share a 17 September to 12 October 2024 4 phase 3/8/7/4 day terminal crash fractal pathway.
From 5 August to 12 November the Nikkei is following a 21/44 of 47 day first and second fractal series, The 47 day second fractal is composed of a 7/18/14/8 of 11 day fractal series.
Finally the US SPX. Below shows the 5 August fractal progression of a 1st and 2nd fractal series of 21/51 days ending 12 November. It is possible that the progression could be extended a day to 13 Nov following a 3/7/7/4 day or a 3/7/6/5 day fractal progression and resulting a 21/52 day :: x/2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series. All of the above series could likewise have an additional day to reach the nadir and still conform to the two elegantly simple self-ordering valuation growth and decays laws that govern the asset debt macroeconomic system.