From the main page of The Economic Fractalist:
Welcome to the small alcove for the advancement of cause and effect saturation macroeconomics….. This site has been constructed because of the expected inevitability of a major sudden phase transition to occur at the conclusion of a grand 140 plus-year second fractal cycle starting in 1858. For the masses this phase transition will occur both very unexpectedly and very suddenly.
September 7, 2014 at 1:27 am
March 2009 was a major nadir event for global equity asset valuations. For the US It was a 152 year nonlinear event.
Thereafter, the world Central Banks have demonstrated that bad debt could be monetized and monetized very easily with CB networked computers’ one’s and zero’s underwriting overvalued assets and supporting loans to credit unworthy consumers owing too expensive of mortgages relative to their income and refinancing at lower and lower trending interest rates which were naturally occurring because of lack of demand.
Going forward entitlement debt, sovereign pension debt, i.e., in the US Social Security obligations to 60 million baby boomers, sovereign bond debt, defense spending, et. al., can be and will be monetized going forward — because there is no other sociopolitical option.
2009 marked the beginning the US hegemony’s third equity fractal. The next 120 years for the US will be highlighted by a trending and one’s and zero’s debt driven(with debt also an asset)inflationary asset valuation expansion — so much easier and more efficient than adding base metals to the earlier pure silver coins of the similar evolutionary economy of ancient Rome.
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