The evolving Canadian SPX, represents a tiny window into the global quadrillion dollar equivalent debt-asset system. Yet its individual equities are supported by a population of speculators who are influenced by the tax advantaged qualities of the equity class causing equities to proceed to their maximum x/2.5x/2.5x growth pattern.
Because this 11-12/28-29/27 week pattern is part of a larger 2002-2003 22/55/44 month pattern which is yet part of a larger 1982 9/23 year pattern which is yet part of a larger 1789 70/156 year US pattern, the 11-12/28-29/27 week :: x/2.5x/2.5x fractal growth pattern may become a y/2.5y/2.5y decay pattern with nonlinearity concentrated within a few hours to few days trading span.
This is a saturation nonlinear natural occurrence within the self assembly Asset-Debt Macroeconomic system.
Too much easy credit has been elaborated over 50 years. Too many assets have been produced. Too many assets have been overvalued. In particular with leveraged tax laws and interest rates at 3-4 percent, equities valuations have been maintained to the system’s maximum x/2.5x/2.5x growth. And too much of the remaining potential new debtor population has been exhausted via easy credit, historically low interest rates, and malinvestment entitlements such as >K12 education.
It is not the failure of the polarized congressmen representing ‘the haves’ verses those representing the majority of have nots to create a 2 January 2013 budget that is the precipitating cause the coming historical valuation decay.
Even with a continuation of current 2012 tax and spending parameters and QE3, this is the natural window of Macroeconomic Asset-Debt system’s asset valuation collapse.
This is the system time window for accumulated leveraged bad private debt elaborated by the Moneychangers, the Transgenerationally Wealthy Power Brokers, and Financial Industry to naturally undergo synchronous and reinforcing default.
The obfuscation caused by the artificial manufactured timing of the US fiscal cliff will provide cover for the Wall Street psychopaths, who are both the architects of the easy credit system and have a great understanding of the system’s natural cycles.
In this historical 1789 US equity-equity-progenitor 70/156 year :: x/2-2.5x asset crash devaluation, follow the money to see who profits from shorting and placing puts on the equity and commodity markets.
Even after the dust settles, the winner moneychangers and financial houses will use the artificially created fiscal cliff at the follow-the-money congressional hearings to blame congress and to intentionally obfuscate.