The Self Assembly Asset-Debt System: Incipient 4th Fractal Decay Begins in Terminal Third Fractal Growth

Paradoxically, it is hegemonic debt which will always be repaid with the ability of the hegemonic state to print the world’s currency. The super wealthy who hold the bonds and long term notes prefer to maintain and increase the value of their bond holding by curtailing entitlement deficit spending. As military and DOD contractor deficit spending preserves the state of their hegemonic tax haven, the opposition to this major area of deficit spending is generally absent.

During nonlinear asset-debt system time dependent debt default on non sovereign debt, US sovereign debt holdings increase in value as their purchasing power increases relative to the general asset deflationary collapse associated with bad debt collapse and antecedent overproduction and overvaluation of assets.

For the stability of the sovereign, during debt default dependent asset valuation collapse, it is exactly the time to print money to directly trade for labor and associated useful social-political stability.

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