In the Asset Debt Macroeconomic System, the self-assembly growth and decay of asset valuations occur in the simplest and most efficient manner possible, following the principal of Occam’s razor and following only two elegantly simple mathematical 4-phase and 3-phase time-based growth and decay fractal series.
The 7 October 2024 date is the end date for a 13 February 2024 47/118 day :: x/2.5x interpolated 1st and 2nd fractal series. The 27 October 2023 to 5 August 2024 55/139 day :: x/2.5x fractal series lasted one more day than the expected ideal 138 day second fractal but ended with characteristic 2nd fractal nonlinear lower low gaps between days 137 and 138 and days 138 and 139. The 47/118 day series will end an interpolated 27 October 2023 74/164 day :: x/2-2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series with 13 February 2024 day 74 of the 1st fractal. (see previous posting and graphs)
The Nikkei, the ACWI, and US Ten Year Note Interest Rates (the latter which is the ongoing inverse of the valuation of held ten year notes) are following 5 August 2024 to 7 October 2024 3-phase y/2.5y/2.5y :: 8/20/20 day Lammert decay fractal patterns.
‘Smart’ Money is existing equities and entering US debt instruments, driving US sovereign interest rates lower. With the ten year note interest rate in steep market decline from increased supply, the Federal Reserve will have ample coverage to lower the fed funds rate to catch up with the market.
After the low on 7 October 2024 there will be observable lower high valuation growth and lower low decay patterns taking the global system to a final low between June and October 2025 and completing an observable March 2020 Nikkei 9/23/23/12-14 month x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x 4-phase fractal series.
Money and debt expansion is following an incipient Volcker and Reagan 1982 interpolated 13/32/32-33/20 year US hegemonic :: x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x 4-phase fractal series, which is part of a greater 1807 36/90/90/54 year x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x US hegemonic 4-phase fractal series ending in 2074. The next 32-33 year commencing in 2025 will be hallmarked by unprecedented historical QE measures and marked wage, money, and asset inflation.