There Are Two identifiable October 2023 Interpolated First and Second Weekly and Daily x/2-2.5x Fractal series. 5 August 2024 represented the first interpolated fractal series’s low: 8 October 2024 is the second interpolated series’s Global Equity Crash Low
It is the hypothesis of this website that the growth and decay of the asset-debt macroecomic system’s asset valuations self assemble in a deterministic and optimal mathematical time-based fractal manner under two simple self-ordered fractal ‘laws’ or modes: a 4-phase x/2-2.5x/2-2.5x/1.5-1.6x time-based fractal series and a 3-phase time-based fractal series: x/2-2.5x/1.5-2.5x. The arbitrary nomenclature within the 4 phase series is as follows: x is termed the first fractal; 2-2.5x is the second fractal; 2-2.5x is the third fractal, and 1.5-1.6x is the fourth fractal. In the 3-phase series x, 2-2.5x, and 1.5-2.5x are respectively termed the first, second, and third fractals.
In the 4-phase fractal series, the third fractal ends on a high or lower high valuation, whereas the first, second, and fourth fractals end on the lowest valuation of the fractal grouping. In a three phase series, all three fractals end on a low valuation. With the exception of the third fractal in a 4 phase fractal series, fractal groupings are determined by initial time unit low and the terminal time unit low. The second fractal in both the 4 phase and 3-phase fractal series has as its hallmark characteristic, a nonlinear lower low gap decline in the last 2x to 2.5x time frame of the series – identifiable on the daily, hourly, and minutely time scales and sometimes on the weekly scales in longer (monthly) fractal series.
With sequential unprecended QE started in March 2020 and thereafter unprecedented QT starting late 2021 The macroeconomic system’s equity valuations grew in a 8-9/24/24 month :: x/2.5x/2.5x fractal fashion from March 2020 to August 2024 completing the first, second, and third fractals of a 4-phase series. A characteristic nonlinear lower low gap can be seen on a weekly basis during the second week of June 2022 during month 21 of the 24 month second fractal (between 2x and 2.5x of the 9 month base March 2020 first fractal).
There are two observable interpolated October 2023
Weekly and Daily First and Second Fractals identifiable by the asset-debt system’s second fractal nonlinear gapped lower lows terminal second fractal endings. 5 August 2024 represented the first interpolateds series low: 8 October 2024 is the second interpolated series Global Equity Crash Low. The elegantly simple self assembly fractal math with be shown in subsequent postings.