The 1982 -2024 German DAX 13-14/30-31 year First and Second Fractals
Within the 4-phase 267 year 1807 to 2074 US hegemonic x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x :: 36/90/90/54 year fractal series, rests an interpolated 1982 German DAX 13-14/30-31 year series. The 30 year second fractal nonlinearity could as an incipient feature have an initial shocking flash crash (with a sharp rebound beyond the November 2024 election.

The self-assembly fractal mathematical architecture of the 23 October 2023 to 5 July 2024 x/2x :: 13(-)/25-26 week :: 60/120 day fractal series is observable. Rather than 28 October 2023, the Incipient day for the 13-/25-26 week first and second fractal series is 23 October 2023 consistent with the fractal maxim that fractal valuation growth begins in terminal fractal decay. Objectively, a 13(-)/25 week first and second fractal series can be identified from 23 October 2023 to 5 July 2024. The first 13 week fractal occurs as a 3/7/5 week fractal series(x/2-2.5x/1.6x) and the second fractal, a 5/10/12 of 12-13 week fractal series x/2x/2.4x-2.5x. Next trading week, the 23 Oct 2023 x/2x series with a base (x) of slightly less than 13 weeks will be in the window (2x to 2.5x)of 26-32 week second fractal nonlinearity.

As of 5 July 2024, a 23 October 2023 60/120 day :: x/2x first and second fractal series is observable. The terminal fractal window begins next week between day 121 and day 150.

The Dax is at/near its March 2020 third fractal apogee with a three phase fractal growth series of 8/24/23 months as of 5 July 2023. (see below.)
The extended second fractal of 24 months or 4/9/8/6 months :: x/2-2.5x/2x/1.5x is beyond the expected 2.5x or 20 months of the 8 March 2020 base fractal because of the extraordinary QE in 2020-2021 with the Fed adding 10-11 trillion dollars to their balance sheet or a historical 30 % increase in the GDP/national debt ratio in just two years. The last 5/10/10 month third fractal takes the DAX to its July 2024 lower high with a potential high next week completing a 4/10/6-10 day:: x/2.5x/1.5-2.5x 3-phase growth fractal series.(see the final green/yellow/orange 4/10/4 of 4-10 day growth series above).