The final third of a third of a third of a … fractal …the 1807 y/2.5y/2.5y :: 36/90/90 year US Hegemonic Fractal Series : y/2.5y/2.5y ::12/30/21 of 30 weeks

The great US third fractal  90 year Crash starting in 1932 is at hand.

Starting in December 2018 the last multi weekly  quantitative  third fractal series began in the deterministic global asset debt system.

The final fractal seriesis y/2.5y/2.5y  decay series with peak of the third weekly fractal at about 1.6y of third 2.5y weeks at 20-21 weeks. The each fractal weekly series is self assembled in Lammert classic quantitative  fractals.

The December 2018 quantiative decay series is 12/30/21 of 30 weeks ::  y/2.5y/2.5y.

Ist 12 week fractal : 2/5/5/3 weeks

2nd 30 week fractal : 3/7/5 and 3/8/6/4 weeks

3rd 30 week fractal:  3/8/6/4 and 3/2 of 6/6 weeks

The quantitative great crash will occur over the next 9 weeks.

While many obfuscating factors are transpiring, it is the total global  end bad debt load, asset overvaluation, consumer asset ownership saturation, and the inability for  money printing to  improve on or sufficiently remedy  any of these parameters – that are the underying causative qualitative factors for the saturated global macroeconomic system’s deterministic  quantitative fractal collapse.



One thought on “The final third of a third of a third of a … fractal …the 1807 y/2.5y/2.5y :: 36/90/90 year US Hegemonic Fractal Series : y/2.5y/2.5y ::12/30/21 of 30 weeks”

  1. 11/28/28 weeks – not 12/30/30 weeks.

    This is the December 2018 final weekly series fractal crash pattern.
    The great and historical US hegemonic 213 year: 1807 x/2.5x/2.5x Third 89 year crash asset devaluation :: 36/90/89 years is now transpiring. The purpose of this website has been to show that growth and decay of the asset -debt macroeconomic system occurs in a relatively precise self-assembly and deterministic fractal manner. The final growth and decay fractal series pattern from 31 January 2020 is 7/18/10 days.

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