Deflationary Collapse: Debt Default. Asset Valuation Collapse; Hegemonic Debt Nonparadoxical Blow-off

The space energy universe is perfect; the self assembly countervailing asset-debt macroeconomic system is perfect.

Massive ‘unsustainable’ US Debt – easily sustained by a Real Bills Doctrine trading electronic dollars for useful work and easily fulfilling the 80 year old social security contract – (All the created dollars will be immediately circulated in the economy, paying rent to the Rentier class and paying interest on overvalued mortgage loans to banks to maintain their solvency.) –  …  is a delusion.

Do the counterpartys of the 52 trillion dollars of US debt even care, give a wit,  about increasing their wealth at the risk of societal breakdown …  or is this entire social-political process, this 99 % verses the 1 %, this haves verses have-nots – a grand delusional folie a deux taken to the infinite power …??
No sane entity wants a return of the totalitarian regimes of the 1930’s and 40’s that today. coupled with the availability of global nuclear weapons – and high altitude EMP devices capable of  disabling  ‘softer late 20th and early 21st century  electronic devises’ – could destabilize civilization reeking major havoc on the 21st century defense systems and the internet, communication,  food distribution, health care delivery, and transportation systems.

It is time for the major economic political entities: Russian and affiliated, Chinese, SubAsian Continent, European, and North and South American countries to come together and control/eliminate those who would cause mayhem in the world.

Global debt default and Asset Deflationary collapse is at hand; but, unlike in past history, it is manageable …  with the central banking leadership now in place.

                                                And then… the bottom fell out….

Was the Fibonacci third fractal 1.6x growth the top for the Nikkei and TM?  Do the conjoined 2/5/3 day and 2/5/5/3 day 19 day fractal series represent the base fractal  for the TNX blow-off?


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