Plan B. Mish Queries: Fed Truncates Non-Performing Loan Data Series; Is the Fed Hiding Something? (Can’t the Pretzel Hold Really Be Escaped?)

Searching the world’s absolutely-complete 57.6 inch thick 29,793 page fine print compendium tomb specifically dedicated to all known wrestling escapes moves, a fast search is made in the back of the massive book’s massive index for ‘pretzel hold escape moves’. Only two tiny words follow: the microscopic print barely visible with a magnifying glass … the first word has only four 4 letters: ‘n-o-n-e’ and the second word but 5 letters: ‘k-n-o-w-n.’

How escape the citizen-consumer-based forward-consumption based global one quadrillion Asset Debt Macroeconomic Saturation Pretzel Hold Area and … gently deflate the Asset-Debt System’s 80 years’ accumulated bad debt, asset oversupply, and asset overvaluation bubble – exponentially leveraged by and profited by the Financial Industry and by its Political legislative writing and passing Associates? How escape all of those pie in the sky entitlements that have won election after election and given the winning Congress members their own 20:1 :: congress to citizen entitlements?

Same answer as found on Index Page 29747 of the Master Wrestling Book of Escapes: ‘None Known’

Same asĀ  ‘Plan B’ (no compromise of any measure acceptable to the system’s dirt ball extraordinaire (DBE) stupidly stupid)

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