The 4 July 2012 Prediction Completed: the Debt-Asset System’s 4 June 2012 Self Assembly Wilshire First Subfractal: 6/14/10 days Ending at a Low of 13825.07: Now the Equity Blow-off

From the last post(5 July 2012):
“From the recent unfolding self organizing and empirical data provided by the Wilshire’s daily valuation charts and the Wilshire’s more important countervailing monthly and weekly fractal patterns of the intermediate and long term US debt market, the Wilshire’s final 4 June 2012 third fractal will be composed of two three-phase subfractal series.

The first subfractal three phase series is a 4 June 2012 6/14/4 of 9 to 10 day Wilshire pattern. Day 9 or day 10 of the 6/14/9-10 day fractal should return the Wilshire to a valuation level of 13700-13900.

Thereafter, the second subfractal three phase series composing a Wilshire blow-off pattern of 6-7 weeks will occur. This will take the Wilshire to its final pre historical crash high valuation in August 2012″.

The 12 July Wilshire’s Low Trading valuation
(52 Week Range:
11,146.22 to 14,899.99)

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