Monthly Archives: September 2015
The Deterministic Self-Assembly Asset Debt Macroeconomic System: The Exquisitely Elegant Gold-in-US-Dollars and Gold Mining Stocks Fractals
By a different curvilinear growth competing with
decay fractal combination: 4/8/6 days :: y/2y/1.5y ..
and a final decay fractal of 6/13/12 days ::
y/2-2.5y/2y …
Unlike 2000, leveraged highly indebted gold mining companies and stocks which contributed most heavily in a weighted fashion to the HUI and XAU composites ended on a lower low than gold in US dollars …. and a month later .. on the 125th month of the 2.5x second fractal of a 50/125 month gold in US dollars fractal series…
The elegance and the self-assembly precision of the asset debt saturation macroeconomic system is defined in the large 10-11 year lower low gap and the final lower low gap and reversal on the final day of the above daily series … The linkage of the gold in US dollars 50/124 month fractal series and the complimentary 29/67-68/54/41-43 monthly growth and decay more heavily weighted HUI/XAU series will demonstrate the system’s very precise operating determinism …..
All linked to valuations of US 30 year bonds ….
Oct 2015 Is Not Oct 2008 … Both …Qualitatively, and by Fractal Analysis, Quantitatively. Sept 2015: Gold’s 2.5x: 125 month 2nd Fractal Terminus
The first 11 day 2/5/4/3 base fractal (a lammert x/2.5x/2x/1.5x growth and decay series) of the 2015 July- August decay series was identified in the 22 July 2015 posting.