The Deterministic Self-ordering Self-Assembling Global Asset-Debt Macroeconomic System
The current fractal decay pattern and the nadir valuations for the current hegemonic US Asset Debt Economic system confirms the determinism of the system which importantly provides information about the future.
The SPX equity valuation daily decay pattern for the 26 month second fractal began on 15 August 2018 and was a 17 day(3/6/6/5)/37day (8/18/13)/38 day (6/14/13/9-10) or 17/37/39-40 day :: Y/2-2.5Y/2-2.5Y Lammert Decay Fractal.
The 10-11 month base for the 26 month second fractal included 4 weeks from 20 Jan 2016 to 11 February 2016. The 11 month fractal pattern starting on 20 January was 2/5/4/3 months. The 26 month second fractal to this 11 month base was composed of two subfractals: 3/8/6/4 and 2/5/4 months.
The third fractal blow-off to this 10-11/26 month series is expected to peak at 17 months completing a March 2009 45/90 month :: x:2x first and second fractal series. This occurs within the terminal US third fractal blow-off of about 90 years starting in 1932 and completing a peak (1/2x)/x/2.5x/2.5x valuation of a 1790 US (18)36/90/89 year US hegemonic fractal series.
Growth and decay of the Global Asset Debt Macroeconomic System occurs in a deterministic mathematical fractal pattern. The reinforcing bubble elements of bad debt creation which cannot be repaid; asset over investment, over production, and over valuation; and job creation which has in the past – with ongoing government debt – provided the basis for debt expansion (now greatly supplemented with the addition of the central bank ex nihilo money creation and debt formation) – are all counterbalanced and controlled within the deterministic fractal maximal growth and decay mathematical patterns that underlie and define the global macroeconomic system. These underlying and observable fractal patterns represent the mathematical laws and the real observable science of the global macroeconomic system.