The Robber Baron Financial Industry’s March-April 2013 Planned Sequester of The Citizens’ 401K’s


Coming in the next 16 trading days is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.  The winners will be the robber baron money changers who own the financial gambling houses and the political system; who have initiated the federa sequester as a distraction ruse;  the losers will be those 401 K citizens encouraged by the table masters to keep standing for the long haul as all the chairs have been silently taken with insider selling and short positions.

155 year US 2nd fractal nonlinear terminus

All that has been transpiring since March 2003 has been an inexorable Asset-Debt System self assembly 20-21/49-53/49-53 month  :: y/2.5y/2.5y equity decay fractal series. 

This 10 year y/2.5y/2.5 decay pattern can be seen in the Nikkei which completed a 15/31/31 day :: growth series on 8 March 2013.


Gold vice GM shows the Asset-Debt system’s  weekly broad strokes  and  quantum pathway of valuation collapse.  Nonlinearity will occur But GM too, rather than finishing in 6/16/12/9 week :: x/2.5x/2x/1.5x  will finish in a decay pattern  of 6+/16/16 weeks  :: y/2.5y/2.5y decay fractal.

And the Nikkei will fall in a 15/31/31/15-24 day fashion.

The  SPX y/2.5y/2y-2.5y decay begin on 31 December 2012 vice 16 January 2013.

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