1929: Lammert Asset Debt Saturation Economics: 1929 and 2012: The US Equity 155 year Second Fractal’s Two Subfractals’ Final Equity Apogees and Nonlinear Crashes of the US 1788-1858 First Fractal


2012 will be different in the degree of initial nonlinearity.

The 6 May 2010 flash crash was a recent example of Lammert second fractal debt-asset self assembly terminal 2-2.5x nonlinearity as described in the the main page of TEF.

2012’s  Second Fractal nonlinearity will be at the end of a 155 year US equity class second fractal.

….  A sudden nonlinear drop in the last 0.5x time period of the 2.5X is the hallmark of a second cycle and characterizes this most recognizable cycle. After the nonlinear gap drop, the third cycle begins. This means that the second cycle can last anywhere in length from 2x to 2.5x.

 G. Lammert

 This page was last updated on 15-May-2005 01:21:59 PM .


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