The Nikkei’s 72 week third fractal was concluded with a final 15 March 2023 15/37/37 day fractal series :: x/2.5x/2.5x.
When does composite equity valuation growth conclude it lower high growth in a QE dominant debt-monetary expansion system? When it fractally must.
The Wilshire is following a similar March 2020 33/72/72 week :: x/2-2.5x/2-2.5x secondary maximum growth fractal series and a concluding 13 March 2023 18/35/37 day growth series :: x/2x/2x.
The final low for this 2020 QE/QT cycle appears to be based on a 9/26 2023 Wilshire interpolated fractal series of 14/30 of 35/28 weeks :: y/2-2.5y/2y.
This model would see a low in another 24 days of trading completing the 35 week second fractal.
The US 3 month treasury minus ten year Note has the most time based negative area under the curve of any time period since the early 1980’s. All were followed by recessions.