The 1807 to 2071 US Hegemonic 265 Year Lammert 4 Phase Fractal Asset Debt Macroeconomic Cycle

US initiating fractal: 18 years (1/2x) 1790-1807

US First Fractal Series: 36 years (x) 1807-1842

US Second Fractal Series:  91 years (2.5x)  1842-1932

US Third Fractal Series: 87 years to peak (near 2.5x)1932- 26 January 2018

Expected US 4th  Fractal Series: 54 years (1.5x) 2018-2071

Initiating US 3rd Fractal Daily  Decay Series: Exactly the same as for  the US Second Fractal Initiating  Decay Series.


2 thoughts on “The 1807 to 2071 US Hegemonic 265 Year Lammert 4 Phase Fractal Asset Debt Macroeconomic Cycle”

  1. For the W5000
    14 May 2018: Reflexic Lower High with Minutely Exhaustion Gap ending near the low.

    15/35/23 days: x/2-2.5 x/2x
    15 days 3/8/6 days
    35 days: 3/7/7 and 4/9/10 days
    31 days 5/13/8 and 2/4/4 days

    Decay Fractal? 4/10/10/6-7 days (starting 3 May 2018)

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