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The 9 March 2009 32 month/66 month global equity Second Fractal Nonlinearity is being preceded by a few trading days by the CRB price collapse … Nonlinear devaluation for both commodities and equities should transpire over the next 7 trading days with money flowing into cash and sovereign debt instruments driving interest rates lower. The US bond market is within a few days of concluding a 32-35//(13-16/33/40) Month First and Second fractal series. The only way the US Asset Debt Macroeconomic system operates is with progressively and continually lower interest rates. As an extreme hypothetical: Debt on 10000 trillion (10E16) dollars at a long bond rate of 0.0000000000000000001% 10E-19 would be less than a penny a year or, alternatively, debt holders could be charged 1% to guarantee their electronic computer wealth netting the Sovereign Credit Source Book Keeper 100 trillion dollars a year in reverse interest payments .