15 March 06

Bonds, Equities, Metals at their Zenith and secondary Zenith points.

For the European equities the recent sub fractal sequence is X/2X::

13/26  days...

For the long bond and ten year note, the cresting fractal sequence is

 :::::   16/41/41 days...

For gold and the gold stocks the declining fractal sequence is 13/26 days...

For the Wilshire, which made an exhaustion gap today, never filling the hole...
at 13103,  the daily sequence is both  x/2.5x/2.5    :::
5/12/12  days ....    AND following the Europeans.....     X/2X   :::
13/26 days...

The Wilshire sequence since October 2005:

12/30/24/18  days  :::::    X/2.5X/2X/1.5X and thereafter

 x/2.5x/2.5x    :::::  5/12/12  days....

What do suppose is next?  
Gary Lammert